Sunday 6 November 2011

shhhhh!!!! its my birthday

Twenty nine years ago today I crawled from the broken fragments of an egg like a greasy little dragon eager to set the world a flame. That’s a blatant lie, I actually descended from the cosmos riding a beam of light on a unicorn. What I'm trying to say here is its my birthday, the 29th, 364 days until the end. So in the spirit of getting old I'm going to put on a diaper, pour a cup of cream with some coffee, watch some old school price is right at an outrageous volume and write an angry letter (or blog)

I apologize to my two loyal readers, my motivation has been seriously nonexistent and cannot promise any improvement but I'll try.... maybe.

Project Two Nine
I came up with an idea a few months ago, more of a project really. There is such a negative air that surrounds the decades following the second. At 30 we're supposed to have our shit figured out, we're supposed to be well along our career path, have a cushion of financial stability, be working on a family of our own. Our youthful beauty going or gone. At 40 we're to be well established, sights on retirement, white picket fence shielding your suburban shelter from the world.
Before I digress too far on a rant about society’s expectations I'll get back to the project. My intention is to capture as much of these next 364 days as possible in words, photographs and video. Once the time is up I will gather, organize and present my adventure as something that will hopefully entertain.